Hmm.. this is one of the setback for malaysian yang nak buat business selling ebook from clickbank. Malaysian cannot register account because there is too much credit card fraudelent with people in this country.
This issue was outdated and 'lapok' actually. But what i actually do is, i register under a 'trusted' friends name and address which is not from malaysia. But i do the marketing. This does not violate clickbank terms and condition. but i got to share the pie with him lah. Not making much either. thats was 3 years back.
Now malaysian are seen to be moving forward quite drastically in the last 2 years. Even if there is no clickbank, other option are still there to earn money online. Malaysian are aggresive in terms of making money. Participation in online investment is perhaps the eye opener to the power of internet and its possibilities though what happens was really bad.
These days, more website are published and more people are participating. new bloggers + netprenuers make their way online everyday. This is a good sign, imagine if all of us are interelated and are linked to each other. Bigger 'targeted' network resulted better SEO and traffic.
p.s . : checkout,,
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