Thursday, March 19, 2009

Is it that simple...???

My recent post.. spend a hefty 7000 but still no idea? i hope you really read those ebook you bought.

Hmm..You got to start somewhere Gova.

1. Do you have a hobby?

2. Are any of those 7K ebook with PLR - Private Label

Rights? ( so that you can resell them)

3. Remember, certain ebooks are time sensitive, better

act quick.

4. Do you know how to activate a blog or website ? do

you have a website Gova?

5. Go to wordtracker and do some research. ( i believe

most of the ebook tells you this)

6. Find something with less competition.

7. Go to Yahoo Answers or ask jeeves to find Question

and help seek by internet user.

8. Find a solution (physical products or ebook) for that

particular problem.

9. Become an affiliate

10. Write and Publish article on how to solve the problems (with your researched

keyword in it)

11. Write and post daily...(repeat many times)

12. Build list (opt-in)

Gova, I'm sure all the ebooks tells you this. You Need to 'spark' that action from yourself.

Good luck!


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